
This index lists Guides that describe how to set up, configure, or use Manager. Most Guides are listed under only one heading. But some apply to more than one heading and are listed accordingly. These guides are also available for offline viewing as a PDF book.

First Steps

These Guides will get you started, providing information on how to establish businesses and users, set initial preferences, and choose the functional modules and accounting method you will initially use. (You can always add more or change later.) Guides about localizing Manager for your country are also found in this group.

Structuring Accounts

Once you have established a business in Manager, the most important task is structuring your accounts to match your form of organization, method of operation, legal reporting requirements, and management information needs. Effort here will pay dividends as long as you run your business.

Customizing a Business

Manager includes many features for customizing your business’ look to the outside world. It also allows customization of inputs and displays to streamline your internal workload.

Program Features

Many features of Manager appear consistently throughout the program or draw upon several functional modules or settings. These make the program fairly intuitive to use.

Bank and Cash Accounts

These Guides describe accounting techniques for physical cash, bank accounts, credit cards, and other forms of money.

Expense Claims

Expense claims are a method of accounting for business expenses paid from personal funds by owners, employees, or others.

Selling to Customers

These important Guides relate to setting up and managing defined customers and quoting and selling goods and services to them on credit. Frequently, the sales process involves an integrated workflow that can vary considerably from business to business. Therefore, many of the capabilities described are optional. Manager’s ability to monitor status of the sales process is also described in this group. It also includes Guides on accounting for billable time and expenses that will be invoiced to customers.

Purchasing from Suppliers

Guides in this group cover setup and management of defined suppliers and ordering and buying goods or services from them on credit. As with customers and the sales process, purchasing processes can vary.


Inventory includes tangible goods held for sale or production. Inventory management can be complex, and Manager’s behavior changes, depending on which functional tabs are enabled. Read Guides in the Overview section first to see which capabilities you want to use.

Employees and Payroll

These Guides describe how to record earnings, deductions, and contributions associated with your employees, as well as how to pay employees what they are owed.


Investments are marketable securities, something that can be bought or sold that represents an asset held to generate current income or future capital appreciation outside normal business operations.

Fixed Assets

Fixed assets include physical property owned by a business with long lifetimes. Their full cost is usually recovered over an extended period of time through depreciation rather than being counted entirely as a current expense.

Intangible Assets

Intangible assets are non-physical property, such as patent rights, owned by a business with long lifetimes. Their full cost is recovered over an extended period of time through amortization rather than being counted entirely as a current expense.

Journal Entries


Despite its overall simplicity, Manager can still present situations where more advanced knowledge is necessary.

© 2023 — Based in Sydney, Australia but providing goodness globally